Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

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Attraverso una racconto più esaustiva dei requisiti di supporto, inizio richiamo alla spaccato sui dispositivi il quale supportano Quick Share.

La funzione Condivisione nelle vicinanze è stata implementata Verso agevolare il trasloco nato da file tra poco dispositivi vicini. Con l'aiuto di questa funzionalità, è probabile inviare e ricevere file Sopra occasione celere ed capace, escludendo la necessità di utilizzare connessioni a Internet o dispositivi tra archiviazione esterni.

Openness is what we believe Per mezzo di. Samsung Galaxy was created to open possibilities. The less boundaries the world has, the farther we all can go.

แชร์ไฟล์ให้อุปกรณ์ใกล้เคียง เลือก “แชร์ไปยังอุปกรณ์ใกล้เคียง” เพื่อแสดงรายชื่อของอุปกรณ์ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง แตะเลือกเพื่อแชร์กับอุปกรณ์เดียวหรืออุปกรณ์หลายเครื่องพร้อม ๆ กัน แล้วการแชร์ไฟล์ก็จะเริ่มให้โดยอัตโนมัติ

Per mezzo di Quick Share puoi trasferire celermente Fotografia, televisione, documenti, file audio o intere cartelle per il tuo dispositivo Android e elaboratore elettronico e laptop Windows.3

Or share files using a QR code Even if the nearby devices aren't from Samsung, you can still share files through a QR code. Just tap the QR code icon and ask your friends to scan the code that shows up on your device.3

Quello fine basilare della funzione è colui intorno a fornire un procedura rapido e adatto per scambiare informazioni fra dispositivi mobili, migliorando l'familiarità degli utenti e aumentando la esse produttività.

Make emailing yourself a thing of the past. Securely transfer files from your PC to your Android device and take them on the go. Send photos, screenshots, videos and documents to your Android device using Quick Share.

Quick Share is a revolutionary tool that is transforming the way we collaborate on projects. By allowing users to quickly and easily share information, ideas, and feedback, Quick Share is streamlining workflows and improving productivity across a wide range of industries.

Sharing files between different types of Galaxy devices is also easy and frictionless. To send a file from your Galaxy smartphone to your Galaxy Book, all you need to do is activate the Quick Share feature on both devices before selecting the files and recipient using Quick Share.

Any other non-Samsung device is able to receive files passaggio the Quick Share provided they can scan the QR code or they have the link, Durante the same way that any file Con the cloud would be downloaded.

Additionally, the sender can check whether the recipient has received files as well as if and qui when they have been opened them. To ensure confidentiality, secure files cannot be downloaded, and screenshots cannot be taken, preventing files from being shared with parties that do not have access.

Share files through Private sharing Use Private sharing to ensure that the shared files are shown only on the recipient’s device and accessible only within the expiration date. First, make sure to turn on Private sharing option before you choose the device or contact to share with.4

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